Hope is Human

These are images of hope that never crossed my mind without your help. Steve and Violet sent this photo of their new grandson, Luke. What says hope better than new life?

Proving that you don't have to be a baby to be the embodiment of hope, Marje sent this photo of her grandson, Zan, "who is all about hope." 

Finally, this living taste of hope has been on my refrigerator for months. Meet my niece Melissa and her fiance Pete. Can you see the hope (and love) in their eyes?

Before I could even post this, Steve and Violet came through again. Meet their newest granddaughter Katelyn. And yes, she really was born yesterday.

Thank you to all for sending these images of hope. They're doing the trick! I'm feeling more hopeful with each new image. I hope this is doing the same for each of you as well.