Dann Update Aug 10, 2011

Hello all: I wanted to update you on Dann's surgery. The doctor took a out a slice of each lobe in the right lung. He was hoping to get a sense of what was in there so we would have some direction but it is still a mystery. He did not think it was a reoccurance of lung cancer as Dann does not fit the profile and the xray showed it as diffused rather than solid. The sample went off to the pathology lab and Dr. Handy is having many tests run to see if this is a virus, mold, tropical bug, or worse case scenario-cancer . We may have some answers at the end of next week. I greatly appreciate the calls and well wishes. I think both Dann and I have been anxious waiting and waiting is the hardest part.... Dann maybe coming home from the hospital as early as tomorrow evening or friday morning. He has to get the chest tube out and Dr. Handy wants to make sure he is stable. Dann thinks he can get up and jog tonight but they are trying to slow him down alittle.

Thank you again for all your kind thoughts and concerns. .

I will send another email when we have more news as to what the pesky little bug is ...
